MentchUp DIY Tzedakah Box The MentchUp DIY Tzedakah Box is a product geared towards prospective Bar and Bat Mitzvah teens, this interactive product includes a selection of tools necessary to encourage Mentch Up Participants to get involved in helping fundraise for Colel Chabad in their communities. "The DIY Tzedakah Box will, 1. Educate the participant about Tzedakah, Colel Chabad/ Pantry Packers and the MentchUp Program through i. Educational material ii. The Tzedakah Box game 2. Everything the participant would need to get started on fundraising for their bar/bat mitzvah. For example: Should the suggestion be to sell lemonade, all they would need to make their lemonade sale a success: A stand, a tablecloth, instructions to buy lemons, borrow a table, advertise:(access to pre-prepared design templates online for their lemonade sale.) Age Geared to: 11-14 year old teens